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We are just people, talk to us.


I'm not referring to talking to us to book us, or to ask us how much a certain package is. Although that door is open to you, we want you to feel free to talk some more, so that we can understand your views, situations and ideas.

By getting to know you better, we can deliver better. My biggest aim is to create memories for you to last a literal lifetime. I want you to look back on them and not only think about how young, thin, pretty, or whatever you were. I want you to look back on them and feel loved. Feel happy and nostalgic about the people you spent the day or hour with. That you are important. It's bigger than just your physical.

It's about not really remembering how little your children were, or what they looked like as a newborn. But revisiting your images sparks the memory again. It's about having lost people that are important to you and seeing them and remembering or share them with people that never got to meet them.

We have had very creative or crazy ideas from clients, that I would never have suggested. But just because the client did, we tried it, and that has become some iconic and some of the most memorable images over my time as a photographer. Those were the images that the clients write back to us and thank us. Again, it's important to talk to you photographer.

The flip side is also true. We should talk to our clients as well. If some of their ideas are not something we feel comfortable with, we are allowed to say so. If we suggest times to shoot, it comes with very good reason. It's not because it suits us best, but would probably have something to do with the sunlight, or how fully we're booked. It's important for the client to keep an open mind in certain cases as the photographer usually can give the best advise if an idea might not work, or would be too controversial.

Talking like this means you have an open conversation. The photographer knows more about you and what you may like. The style, angles, the mood. And the client will also know more with regards to if the photographer would be a good enough fit for their preferred shoot, and if the person knows what their talking about. These are great indicators to see how your images will turn out. It's not all just about price, but about the fit too. And this again goes both ways.

So let's have these conversations and create your stories with love (LDP's slogan), care and some crazy fun!


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