"Moments today, becomes memories tomorrow. And those memories will become your most treasured possession..."

Thank you so much for the wonderful pics you have taken of the kids! My son has been at the school for 7 years now and this is actually the nicest pics of all. All the parents are saying how wonderful the pics are. Well done!"
— J

“BAIE DANKIE vir jou tyd en toewyding met ons pragtige fotos! Ons het besluit dat dit 'n jaarlikse instelling gaan word om deur jou fotos te laat neem. Ons sien al klaar uit na volgende jaar s'n.”
— Maryke Albertyn
“Leanne het die perfekte persoonlikhheid vir 'n fotograaf. Sy het ons verlowing fotos en troufotos geneem. Haar positiewe, sprankelende persoonlikheid het baie gehelp toe die "nerves" inskop. Sy het die hele package. Of jy nou 'n naald en gare kort, of een van jou bestmen sy wit hemp vergeet het, niks is vir hulle moeite nie”
— Marie Wiggins

Leanne is definitely the exception to ALL photographers that I have worked with. In my experience she is not just the best photographer, but also a VERY special person. She is always willing to help, super creative. She brings something different to the table. It's not just WORK to her, it's 100% her passion."
Carla Theart

Leanne Durand
Leanne is the founder and main photographer at LDP.
She's also the admin lady.
Her other roles are wifey, momma bear, literal walking diary and maker of lists queen. ;)
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Jonathan Durand
Jonathan is the main videographer and second shooter at LDP.
He is also the husband, coffee guy,
main squeeze and daddy to our little Durand. <3
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